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Musher Abby Fallis with a winning team

Your adventure starts here.....

Hi! I'm Abby Fallis.  I have been raising, training and running dogs in harness since I was a child. I invite you to join me and discover just what your dog can do.

Sign up for a clinic or activity now!

Meet Abby Fallis

Your Athletic Canine Coach  


"Put Me In, Coach"


Your dog loves to run and would love to run with you. Harness sports allow your dog to do exactly that. "Put Me In Coach" is the  place to learn how. The perfect opportunity for first-timers, this clinic offers your dog the thrill of running like a a sled dog under controlled conditions.  We begin by equipping your dog with a harness that fits.  Then NEC's "My Dog Runs" team of experienced handlers guides you and your dog through the experience of   pulling a weighted object. When your dog is comfortable, they join  a team of skilled harness sport dogs for an exciting Team Run with expert musher Abby Fallis on the runners and Team "My Dog Runs" on-side for support.  At the end of the session NEC Harness Sports Coach Abby Fallis talks with you about all the things you can do to run your dog in harness yourself.  Join the NEC - My Dog Runs team for exercise that makes a difference, socialization that makes sense to dogs, and way too much fun for all.   Sign up today to  give your best friend the chance to run with dogs, the experience of a lifetime and a positive introduction to a whole new way of being with you. 


Jan 18 (FULL), Feb 22 (FULL),  March 15


Registration: $45 per session

Ontario Canine Wellness Centre 

1108 Payne Line Rd. Douro Dummer, ON â€‹â€‹

Snow Dance! THE CLINIC â€‹

OCWC has snow and your dog is ready to run it. NEC's "My Dog Runs" team is ready to help you get your dog in a harness that fits, teach them to pull and go ahead of you on a trail and get you going down the trail.  Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refine and practice skills under controlled conditions, this clinic is not to be missed and get ready to run on snow!


Feb 22, 10 - 1 p.m. 

Registration Fee: $125 plus HST
Ontario Canine Wellness Centre 

1108 Payne Line Rd. Douro Dummer, ON â€‹â€‹

Contact OCWC to book.

Snow Dance! THE FUN RACE


Feb 1-2 2025 
A Blue Ribbon success!
Photos Here!


Private  Training / Consults

Not sure what event or activity  is right for you? 
Have a conversation with Abby Fallis.

Are you ready? Let's GO!

Happy Dogs
Fun-loving Humans

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